Kodak Professional D-76 sviluppo pellicola in polvere (1 Liter)

Klassischer Negativentwickler in Pulverform
KODAK PROFESSIONAL Entwickler D-76 bietet volle Empfindlichkeitsausnutzung und eine hervorragende Schattendurchzeichnung bei normalem Kontrast und liefert bei zahlreichen Schwarzweiß-Filmen mit gleichmäßiger Tonwertwiedergabe ein feinkörniges Ergebnis.
Wenn Sie den Entwickler im Verhältnis 1:1 verdünnen, erzielen Sie eine bessere Schärfe, aber eine etwas höhere Körnigkeit. Der Entwickler unterstützt einen großen Dichteumfang und aufgrund des hohen Entwicklungsspielraums ermöglicht er die Push-Entwicklung mit einer relativ geringen Schleierbildung.
Proper agitation is very important for consistent and uniform results. Agitation helps remove the by-products of development from the surface of the film so that fresh developer can act on the exposed silver halide in the emulsion. Because agitation affects the rate of development, particularly in high-density areas, you can achieve consistent negative quality only if agitation is uniform over the whole surface of the film, and when the degree of agitation is similar for each film or batch of films.
AGITATION: Provide initial agitation of up to 5 cycle in 5 seconds.
DEVELOPMENT TIMES: To know the development times you must refer to the tables in the datasheet. The development times in the following tables are starting-point recommendation; for critical applications, run tests to determine the best development time. If your films are consistently too low in contrast, increase the development time slightly (10 to 15 percent); if they are too contrasty, decrease the development time slightly (10 to5 percent).
DILUITION: You can use the stock solution or with diluition 1:1. If you use D-76 Developer diluted 1:1, dilute it just before you use it, and discard it after processing the batch of film. STORAGE: Use the table below as a guide to the keeping properties of KODAK PROFESSIONAL D-76 The table also indicates the capacity of the developer without replenishment. Store stock solutions in tightly closed bottles. Solutions in full bottles have a longer shelf life; partially filled bottles allow some oxidation of the solution.
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